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  Ideas for using myBookCorner in the classroom
  Mybookcorner can aid in the teacher's role of Primary Reading Cheerleader. Here are some ideas how:
  • No time or desire to use the computer? No problem! Appoint a student or parent Mybookcorner Assistant for the class. This person can print out the information you're interested in. Rotating the responsibility can make this one of the leadership roles available for students in the class.
  • Monthly, recognize the Top Readers (e.g. most pages read). Recognition ideas vary: classroom announcement; winning a free book; posting a chart with the monthly winners; school-wide PA announcement, etc.
  • Find ways to recognize many different student readers, not just always the top readers. For example, mention Notable Books read (advanced for grade level; interesting or unusual; educational; book others would like, etc.).
  • Books in the News! Announce students' newest books read. This could be done every week or two.
  • Recognize well written, interesting, funny comments by a student in their book review. Encourage good writing in their "capsule reviews".
  • Provide extra credit for reading X pages per month or quarter. Let mybookcorner do the job of keeping track of pages read per student.
  • Have a Reading Club based on pages read with different levels. For example, Bronze Club for over 300 pages read, Silver Club over 600 and Gold Club for over 1000 pages. Mybookcorner keeps track of pages read per student for the school year.
  • A Reading Contest with one entry for every book posted. This gives all students an incentive to post books.
  • Set a Class Reading Goal of a certain number of pages per month or quarter and strive to beat it. Mybookcorner keeps track of pages read for the whole class.
  • Read a friend's book: students pick a book to read that another classmate has read that looks interesting. Mybookcorner let you review what other classmates have read.
  • Have a Best Reading Month Party if the class sets a record for their most pages read per month.
  • Pick a Book of the Month and let the reader talk about it to the class. Maybe even have a class election to nominate the book of the month.
  • Occasionally mention the Top Readers For the School Year.
  Last Modified 9/15/2002